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Thanks to all who participated in the Bière de Rock.

There were 119 entries judged and 91 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stTom ThorpeSecond Chance Belgian Strong18E: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers
2ndJohn RowleyOud Framboise17F: Fruit LambicSangre De Cristo Craft Brewers

Winning Entries

Table 1: Wit (10 entries)

1stJonathan ReadWit16A: Witbier
2ndJack MillerJackson’s Wit16A: WitbierAlechemie
3rdEd MooreTiger Witless Wit16A: WitbierFotr
HMTom Roan
Co-Brewer: Nancy Bowser
Whitecap Wit16A: WitbierPrairie Homebrewing Companions

Table 2: Belgian Pale Ale (11 entries)

1stJason ReinhardtConfiscated Bpa16B: Belgian Pale AleMile High Monks
2ndScott BuchholzPale16B: Belgian Pale AleBrew Brothers Of Pikes Peak
3rdDave Kriz
Co-Brewer: Bill Barrett
Dave And Bill’s Excellent Bpa16B: Belgian Pale AleRock Hoppers

Table 3: Saison (19 entries)

1stJim MeyerSassier Saison16C: Saison
2ndJoanna MeyerSassy Saison16C: Saison
3rdEileen TompkinsSaison Preternatural16C: SaisonFoam On The Range

Table 4: Biere De Garde (8 entries)

1stChris EgolfBiere De Garde - 201016D: Biere de GardeRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndGeoff HumphreyFetchez La Vache16D: Biere de GardeRock Hoppers
3rdKelly KruegelKgb16D: Biere de GardeRock Hoppers

Table 5: Specialty (17 entries)

1stKelly KruegelGinger’s Revenge16E: Belgian Specialty AleRock Hoppers
2ndGreg GeigerGeigers Saison 16E: Belgian Specialty AleRock Hoppers
3rdJason KruegelRelease The Whorehound16E: Belgian Specialty AleRock Hoppers

Table 6: Sours (11 entries)

1stJohn RowleyOud Framboise17F: Fruit LambicSangre De Cristo Craft Brewers
2ndScott WernerGueuzey17E: GueuzeGreater Denver Yeast Infection
3rdKelly KruegelGreg Rulz17B: Flanders Red AleRock Hoppers

Table 7: Blonde (5 entries)

1stBryan KeasGoldilocks18A: Belgian Blond AleRock Hoppers
2ndAdam GlaserOne Hot Blond18A: Belgian Blond AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdMark SchoppeBelgian Blonde18A: Belgian Blond AleAustin Zealots

Table 8: Golden Strong (8 entries)

1stJason ReinhardtHell Bitch18D: Belgian Golden Strong AleMile High Monks
2ndAdam GlaserHell Hath No Fury18D: Belgian Golden Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdPaul Mcquaid
Co-Brewer: Chantal Leyh
Bagadonuts Sterke Man18D: Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Table 9: Dubbel (9 entries)

1stGreg GeigerDubbel 718B: Belgian DubbelRock Hoppers
2ndScott BuchholzDubbel18B: Belgian DubbelBrew Brothers Of Pikes Peak
3rdRobert GiaquintaBelgian Dubbel18B: Belgian DubbelHop Barley And The Alers

Table 10: Tripel (9 entries)

1stAdam GlaserFlacid Monk18C: Belgian TripelRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndJason ReinhardtTrippple Hijack18C: Belgian TripelMile High Monks
3rdScott BuchholzTripel18C: Belgian TripelBrew Brothers Of Pikes Peak

Table 11: Dark Strong (12 entries)

1stTom ThorpeSecond Chance Belgian Strong18E: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers
2ndScott BuchholzBlack Mamba18E: Belgian Dark Strong AleBrew Brothers Of Pikes Peak
3rdGreg GeigerMonkey Spank18E: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers
HMMark SchoppeBelgian Strong Dark Ale18E: Belgian Dark Strong AleAustin Zealots