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Thanks to all who participated in the Bière de Rock.

There were 136 entries judged and 73 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stMichael SellYgritte27A: Historical BeerWestchester Homebrewers Organization (WHO)
2ndKevin OlsonHot Singles Are Waiting For Your Call26A: Belgian SingleZZHops Homebrewing Club
3rdRyan WankelWit Or Wit-Out24A: WitbierLakewood Fermentation Club

Pro-Am - Wild Blue Yonder

BrewerEntry NameStyleClub
Matthew JohnsenIt's A Trap!26A: Belgian SingleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Pro-Am - 105 West Brewing

BrewerEntry NameStyleClub
James MorgheimDuvel Whichoo25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Scale-Up - Two 22 Brew

BrewerEntry NameStyleClub
John LandremanStraight Up Saison25B: SaisonBrew Brothers of Pikes Peak

Winning Entries

Table 1: Euro Sour (10 entries)

1stJess And Ray Finlay-Schultz
Co-Brewer: Finlay-Schultz
Foam On The Range Flanders Red23B: Flanders Red AleAurora City Brew Club
2ndKevin Olson MHP2021-2023 Blend23E: GueuzeZZHops Homebrewing Club
3rdNelson Crowle MHPFramboise Gueuze23F: Fruit LambicIndian Peaks Alers
HMFritz Schanz MHPStearman's Fruit Lambic23F: Fruit LambicDenton County Homebrewers Guild

Table 2: Wild (6 entries)

1stGeoff Humphrey MHPValor De L'Ange Gardien28A: Brett BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndJames Allen MHPTempus Et Spatium28C: Wild Specialty BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdMichael SellPainting Of A Panic Attack28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour BeerWestchester Homebrewers Organization (WHO)

Table 3: Belgian Ale - Witbier and Pale Ale (11 entries)

1stRyan Wankel MHPWit Or Wit-Out24A: WitbierLakewood Fermentation Club
2ndJames Allen MHPInspired & Re-Tired24B: Belgian Pale AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdWeston WrightBlossom24A: WitbierIndian Peaks Alers

Table 4: Saison (15 entries)

1stPaul Jones MHP
Co-Brewer: Khal Weir
Modest Embezzlement25B: SaisonMorris Area Society of Homebrewers
2ndJohn LandremanStraight Up Saison25B: SaisonBrew Brothers of Pikes Peak
3rdTed Warriner MHPFrench Saison25B: SaisonCentral Arkansas Fermenters

Table 5: Dark Strong (13 entries)

1stJohn HortonBDS 202326D: Belgian Dark Strong AleAurora City Brew Club
2ndJohn LandremanThe Four Monks26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleBrew Brothers of Pikes Peak
3rdMatthew Johnsen MHPBoomstick26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 6: Single (9 entries)

1stKevin Olson MHPHot Singles Are Waiting For Your Call26A: Belgian SingleZZHops Homebrewing Club
2ndMatthew Johnsen MHPIt's A Trap!26A: Belgian SingleRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdGeoff Humphrey MHPThe Burden Of Being Wonderful26A: Belgian SingleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 7: Dubbel (14 entries)

1stGeoff Humphrey MHPOrder Of Cistercians26B: Belgian DubbelRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndTerry Fast MHPDubbel Trouble26B: Belgian Dubbel
3rdJohn LandremanHappy Monk26B: Belgian DubbelBrew Brothers of Pikes Peak

Table 8: Tripel (15 entries)

1stRyan Wankel MHPI Like Turtles26C: Belgian TripelLakewood Fermentation Club
2ndPhilip Lafleur MHPLa Toussaint Triple26C: Belgian TripelWeiz Guys
3rdBevan Zarges-GriegoSome Name26C: Belgian TripelRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 9: BDG and Blonde (13 entries)

1stBevan Zarges-GriegoSomething Small And Old25A: Belgian Blond AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndWilliam Johnson
Co-Brewer: Chris Egolf
L'etudiant24C: Bière de GardeRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdEdward MooreTony Bier De Garde24C: Bière de GardeRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 10: Golden Strong (9 entries)

1stJames MorgheimDuvel Whichoo25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndSteve Ristau MHPBierelzebub II25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleAle Riders Homebrew Club
3rdMark WethingtonHellmouth25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleAurora City Brew Club

Table 11: Specialties (13 entries)

1stMichael SellYgritte27A: Historical BeerWestchester Homebrewers Organization (WHO)
2ndPaul Jones MHP
Co-Brewer: Khal Weir
Franc-Ly An IPA21B1: Belgian IPAMorris Area Society of Homebrewers
3rdDeborah And Marc Prichard MHPWhat The Hell Did We Make21B6: White IPARed Earth Brewers

Table 12: Fruit, Spice, Wood, and Alternatives (8 entries)

1stDonald Schneider MHPVoici La Saison Du Miel31B: Alternative Sugar BeerWeiz Guys
2ndEdward MooreSammy Lemon Wit29A: Fruit BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdRandy CombsBDS33A: Wood-Aged Beer